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List of Local Brands & Services

 Fashion & Jewellery 


Ar Design Atelier Founder/Designer

Gabriela is such a humble confident person, met her at Popup city. She comes from a fashion and art background. If you are looking for slow and conscious brand, with focus on sustainability, reusability, second hand materials and certified materials which are harmless not only to people 
but also to the nature head over to get to know her and see her lovely creations here

Sophie Adang

Style Mixers Founder/Personal Shopper & Fashion Stylist

She has such a cool vibe and I love that she's showing us normal figure how to match this piece of clothing to another flawlessly and not trying too hard. Check her out at


Babylux Founder

If your looking for babies wear and accessories go check Kata has many types products to offer for babies and small kids.


Malatopia Founder/International Certified Yoga Teacher

She's such a wonderful kind soul. A yoga inspired jewellery, yoga mala necklaces, bracelets and beautiful products to support you on your spiritual journey. All of her malas are handmade by yogis with love and positive intentions in Zürich. She does custom made too  If you can't find what you are looking for. Also Mala & Yoga workshop and retreats. Check her website here

Yuliya Stefaniv

Verve Couture Atelier Founder/Fashion Designer Couture

I knew Yuliya since when we were working in the same Fashion company which no longer exist. I am so proud of this lovely lady having her own Couture Atelier in Zollikon. Get to know her and you'll want a couture dress from her.

Contact her here 

or follow her at

Ronit Ziswiler 

Ronit Ziswiler Founder/Jewelry Designer

Always had a lovely conversation and sharing our thoughts. Ronit has a very interesting background and stories. I love listening to powerful women. Would you like your appearance to be truly memorable and powerful and also looking for a statement piece? You definitely can't miss her creations. Get to know her and check her it out here


 More coming, Stay tuned! 

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